Diversity will be invited and integrated into the very core of the University of Missouri’s educational enterprise, including our recruiting, hiring and admissions processes, our curricula and co-curricular programs, and our administrative structures and practices.
Mizzou strives to be a 21st century learning community defined by excellence through the affirmation of differences in:
- The composition of our leadership, faculty, staff and students.
- The configuration of our policies, procedures, organizational structures, curricula and co-curricular programs.
- The fabric of our interpersonal relationships.
This diversity framework expresses our plan for enacting MU’s larger mission, and for its core values:
We commit to acting ethically, welcoming difference and exchanging ideas openly.
We are accountable to ourselves, each other and the public we serve.
We foster the lifelong process of seeking knowledge and greater understanding.
We reach for excellence through diligent effort and collaboration.
What Does Diversity Mean at MU?
The University of Missouri defines diversity broadly as the various mix or combinations of human differences. This allows our entire constituency to envision their identity, or multiple identities, within this inclusive definition.
MU has adopted an Inclusive Excellence model, which hinges on a cohesive, coherent and collaborative integration of diversity, inclusion and equity into MU’s pursuit of excellence. Our Inclusive Excellence model reflects an understanding that diversity, inclusion and equality are the catalysts for institutional and educational excellence — and are not isolated initiatives.